Invitation Oxford is Oxford’s premier community lifestyle magazine and is for everyone who calls north Mississippi home. We cover a variety of events, news and more. Thousands of free copies are distributed on the 1st of the month in bookstores, coffee shops, restaurants and shopping districts and at art festivals and sporting events. The magazine is published 10 times per year. The company also publishes Invitation Tupelo.

Rachel West
Rachel@InvitationOxford.comRachel Malone West is the founder and publisher of Invitation Magazines. She and her husband, Phil, launched Invitation Oxford in 2006, and in May 2010 they began Invitation Tupelo. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Mississippi and received a master’s degree from Belhaven University in Jackson, Miss. She has lived in both Jackson and on the Mississippi Gulf Coast working in public relations as well as doing several projects as a freelance writer.

Rachel WestPublisher

Sonia Thompson
Managing Editor
soniawthompson@gmail.comSonia Thompson is the managing editor of Invitation Oxford. She has a degree in journalism from the University of Missouri. Before moving to Oxford, she worked for Lucky and Woman’s Day magazines in New York. She has worked for Invitation Oxford since 2010.

Sonia ThompsonManaging Editor

Melanie Crownover
Senior Writer
melanie.crownover@yahoo.comMelanie Crownover is the staff writer for Invitation Magazines. A Tupelo native and graduate of Mississippi University for Women, Crownover has written for publications all over the southeast since 2005 including Columbus’ Commercial Dispatch, The Daily Pressin Virginia, The Town Talk in Louisiana and Valley Parent Magazine in Georgia. She has been with Invitation Magazines since 2010.

Melanie CrownoverSenior Writer

Lena Anderson
Associate Editor
andersonlena@gmail.comLena Anderson is the associate editor for Invitation Oxford and Invitation Tupelo. She has a degree in communication studies and creative writing from Missouri State University and has been a freelance writer for Invitation Magazines since 2011.

Lena AndersonAssociate Editor

Emily Suber
Production Manager
Emilysuber.invitationoxford@gmail.comEmily Suber is the production manager of Invitation Magazines. She has a degree in art and graphic design from the University of Mississippi. Before coming to work for Invitation Oxford in 2008, she was a product development coordinator for Crown Products in Mobile, Ala.

Emily SuberProduction Manager

Hallie Thomas
Art Director
hallielandonmarshall@gmail.comHallie Marshall Thomas is the art director of Invitation Magazines. She is an Oxford native who graduated from the University of Mississippi and worked as a designer for Cooking Light, Southern Accents and entrée magazines, all in Birmingham, Ala. She has been with Invitation Magazines since 2010.

Hallie ThomasArt Director

Joe Worthem
joe.invitation@gmail.comJoe Worthem is the staff photographer for Invitation Magazines. He is a graduate of the University of Mississippi and is an Oxford native. Worthem has experience in both photography and graphic design. He previously worked for FNC, Inc., Southern Growth Studio and Oxford Publishing Company. He has worked for Invitation Magazines since 2010.

Joe WorthemPhotographer

Becca Bailey
Graphic Designer
becca.invitation@gmail.comBecca Bailey is a graphic designer for Invitation Magazines. She has a bachelor’s degree in graphic design with a minor in photography from Delta State University. She has worked for Invitation Magazines since 2012.

Becca BaileyGraphic Designer

Courtney Sims
Graphic & Web Designer
courtney.invitation@gmail.comCourtney Sims is a graphic and web designer for Invitation Magazines. She is a Tupelo native, and she has a bachelors degree in graphic design from Mississippi State University. Before coming to work for Invitation Magazines, she was the advertising and web designer for The Daily Journal. She teaches dance in her spare time and spoils her rescue dog, Zoe and Husky, August.

Courtney SimsGraphic & Web Designer

Zach Fields
Graphic Designer
zmfieldsoxford@gmail.comZach Fields is a graphic designer for Invitation Magazines. He attended the Savannah College of Art and Design and majored in fashion design. Before coming to work for Invitation Magazines in 2012, he interned as a menswear designer for Marc Jacobs in New York.

Zach FieldsGraphic Designer

Cindy Semmes
Director of Advertising
Cindy@InvitationOxford.comCindy Semmes is the director of advertising for Invitation Magazines. Semmes attended University of Mississippi and graduated from University of Memphis with a degree broadcast journalism and mass communications. She has worked in media in Memphis, Tenn.; Princeton, N.J.; and Lexington, Ky.; and has been with Invitation Magazines since 2008. She is married to John Semmes, and they have two daughters.

Cindy SemmesDirector of Advertising

Alise Emerson
Advertising Consultant
aminvitationtupelo@gmail.comAlise Emerson is an advertising consultant for Invitation Magazines. Emerson has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Mississippi. She has worked for Invitation Magazines since 2010. She is married to Joseph Emerson, and they have a son.

Alise EmersonAdvertising Consultant

Leigh Lowery
Advertising Consultant
leigh.invitationoxford@gmail.comLeigh Lowery is an advertising consultant for Invitation Magazines. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an MBA in marketing from the University of Mississippi. Lowery has worked for Invitation Magazines since 2009.

Leigh LoweryAdvertising Consultant

Lynn McElreath
Advertising Consultant
bmmcelreath@aol.comLynn McElreath is an advertising consultant for Invitation Magazines. A graduate from the University of Mississippi with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, McElreath has been with Invitation Magazines since 2007. A native Oxonian, she is married to Mark McElreath and they have three children.

Lynn McElreathAdvertising Consultant

Mary Moreton
Advertising Consultant
mary.invitation@gmail.comMary Moreton is an advertising consultant for Invitation Magazines. She has a bachelor’s of business administration in finance from the University of Mississippi She has worked for Invitation Magazines since 2013. She is married to Derek Moreton, and they have two sons, Jackson and Anders.

Mary MoretonAdvertising Consultant

Moni Simpson
Advertising Consultant
moni.simpson@gmail.comMoni Simpson is an advertising consultant for Invitation Magazines. Simpson has a bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism from the University of Mississippi, and has worked for Invitation Magazines since 2011. She is married to Stuart Simpson and is an avid dog foster and rescuer.

Moni SimpsonAdvertising Consultant

Sheena Hagemann
Advertising Consultant
tupelo.sheena@gmail.comSheena Hagemann is an advertising consultant for Invitation Magazines. Before coming to Invitation Magazines, she worked in advertising for The Daily Journal for seven years. She lives in Tupelo with her husband and two children.

Sheena HagemannAdvertising Consultant

Hollie Hilliard
Office Manager
hilliard.hollie@gmail.comHollie Hilliard is the office manager of Invitation Magazines. She is an Oxford native who attended Northwest Community College where she majored in business and paralegal studies. She has worked with Invitation Magazines since 2013.